

DINZHOME 2022-10-29

SHIYI Space Design





Design is not to find a solution 

but to insert a mystery 

while solving the problem. 

Karl STRAUS 德国哲学


 A Free Form

“Poetic”, “Harmony”, and “Nature”.The designers project their poetic imagination into the space, opening up a spiritual vision, and the contrast of interlaced black and white creates a mysterious mood like the hazy moonlight.


Here is the daily work area for the designers of ELEVEN. Therefore, while ensuring the functionalities, we try to provide a more spatial experience, expecting it to convey stronger emotions and inspire the designers’ creativity.


“Design is important, but the execution and results are everything.”The presentation of excellent design projects requires not only a good design plan, but also professional project-tracking services. And that is how we treat every piece of our design projects. 


Design is without restrictions. We are constantly looking to surpass ourselves in our exploration, seeking the essence of space, strike a balance between practicality and beauty, and build vehicles for inner peace.  


The Ethereal Oriental


The designers applied a simple and contemporary layout to highlight the spatial texture when designing the hall. The furniture and soft furnishings are mainly in black, white, and gray, which is consistent with the spatial tone, and they help the people unwind while retaining the cleanliness and simplicity of the space — just like leaving empty space in an artwork. The extended and segmented French windows command a perfect view of the urban river view, delivering an excellent landscape experience.


If the spatial transformation is an emotional narrative of details, then the reception area is a neat combination of vision and functions. The simplicity and elegance of the space present a platform for communication. Its inclusiveness and a strong sense of integration are given by the furnishing of the space, be it the miniature plant landscape that brings tranquillity, or the transparent landscape coffee table that reifies the soul of the arts. 


Space is like a state, in which every object is a moment on a timeline.Multiple states can exist simultaneously in one space, and different spaces touch each other on the same timeline. 


Architectural Reconstruction


The meeting room is designed into a flowing space through the well-organized latticework, glass, and natural light. By refactoring the architectural elements into furniture design, the designers endow it with a new sense of beauty, while the light breathes a new life into the articles, giving the sculptures, vessels, and furniture the power to express the emotions of the space. Amid the serenity, the light turns into the hands of a clock, marking the time, and at the same time, it grows and evolves on its own into multiple possibilities.


The Structure Boundary


The room uses several rocks as the starting point to ultimately integrating primitive textures into a minimalist space. Here, the rocks are a spiritual transmission, a spatial feature, a memory point, and a concrete figure. They enhance people's awareness of space.    



To ingeniously tackle the problem of beams left by the apartment layout, the designer introduced a two-way Y-shaped staircase as a bidirectional focus of spatial traffic and vision. As the white staircase zigzags upwards, the smooth staircase interface extends like a piano key, lacing the space with a unique rhythmic aesthetic.  


Here, the natural light pours in, bringing a sense of fresh air, thereby creating a simple and comfortable public office environment.


The interlaced and contrasting geometric surfaces and lines in the space strikes an aesthetically balanced proportion between rounded edges and straight lines. The single chair that decorated the monotonous space brings the vitality of nature into the room, while modern materials reflect the surrounding objects. And the pleasant contrast between these two turns into the eye-catching element of the space.


The modeling is mostly guided by three-dimensional geometric modeling structures. It also forms a variety of enclosures in the bifurcation that is deduced by possibilities.



The space on the second can be used as an office, reading room, and tea room. The absence of excessive styling and ornate decoration fully reflects the designers’ independent and free opinions towards life and work, hence the space is completely relaxed and natural. As you step into the tea room, you are greeted with awaiting flowers, people, and light. Just a look at the delicate sights and the Zen emanating from the woods will help calm any impetuous mind.  

The space is created to look like a home office. The light wood envelopes the joy of life, allowing everything to be immersed in the peaceful light, and the spatial regularity hints at the subtle perceptual mood in the room.



平和淡洁 韵高致静;茶是人与自然沟通的媒介,雅致的茶器;古朴的老木桌让人亲近;人类从来无法抗拒自然的呼唤;

Gentle and light, elegant and serene; Tea is a medium of communication between human and nature; sophisticated tea set;The quaint old wooden table brings people closer, for humans can never resist the call of nature; 


Strong tea fragrance invites you to enjoy tea and a gathering with friends;Unwind and appreciate life;The mottled wood surface with soft gloss shines and the unassuming tone echoes the mellowing nature and time.


项目名称 | 拾一

设计公司 | 拾一空间设计

项目地点 | 中国 · 浙江 · 温州

项目面积 | 560㎡

主案设计 | 砚南、夏红

参与设计 | 黄斌、纪建鑫、管励

项目摄影 | 瀚墨视觉-叶松

设计时间 | 2020年8月

完工时间 | 2021年1月

About SHIYI Space Design

拾一设计团队致力于用设计创造更多美好,以执行和结果呈现为使命.关注项目本身,赋予人、空间、物品新的定义,从业主需求出发提供专业的高品质定制化设计方案。项目涉及 建筑、别墅、办公、商业空间等多领域,其作品多次获得业界权威赛事奖项。

# 设计家


CCD | 将共享理念发挥到极致

瓴 | 伶境巧生 居衍新格


Fununit Design Office 去城市库存

